The truth is that I am someone who knows how to connect with people simply by utilizing a much overlooked aspect in the business world...respect.
— Vincent Tihoni

I graduated from the University of Central Florida (Go Knights!) with a BA in Interdisciplinary Studies.  My areas of focus were in business/professional writing, general law and a minor in Mass Communication.  I did not go to school with the intent to become a marketer.  It was through my studies in mass communication that I became aware of marketing's evolution away from mass media channels.  The marketing industry had come to embrace the art of storytelling (which I loved) so I decided to pursue a career in content marketing.  

I also did not plan on becoming a business owner.  But that is the beauty of life...nothing is scripted.  I am here as someone who has had the fortune of realizing a personal dream through the trust given to us by our clients.  The truth is that I am someone who knows how to connect with people simply by utilizing a much overlooked aspect in the business world...respect.  I respect the unique characteristics of all of our clients and I treat each one of them like family.  Family doesn't always tell you what you want to hear...but in the end, you work together to reach a common goal.  I feel confident in possessing a unique mix of creativity and a structured project management approach to meet any individual client's needs.