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Home Appliances

Going Social Can be Risky...But NOT Going Social Isn’t an Option

Going Social Can be Risky...But NOT Going Social Isn’t an Option

Luxury Appliance Brands Go Social I want to start by saying that I don’t think any brand, regardless of industry, can afford to ignore social media.  Again, I am going to focus on the home appliance industry to demonstrate the risks associated with taking luxury appliance brands social. What exactly makes a "luxury" appliance brand?

Blogging and Twitter are Important Elements of the Groundswell

Blogging and Twitter are Important Elements of the Groundswell

One of the required readings for my graduate course in social media and the inspiration behind this blog post is the book Groundswell: winning in a world transformed by social technologies.  The book is a comprehensive look into how technology has revolutionized the business world.  I would suggest reading it for a more detailed explanation of some of the best practices I’m sharing here.  Though it touches on areas outside of social media the book explains how social technologies of all types are the primary force behind the groundswell.